Conference Call Calculator

Adjust the values in the phone plan calculator below to reflect your typical teleconference needs.

We’ll show you the number of monthly minutes and the plan that best fits your needs.

If you plan on hosting group calls, the conference call calculator for large events can help you estimate how much your conference will cost. Simply enter the number of callers and length of the meeting to get your estimate.

How are Conferencing Minutes Calculated?

Curious how your minutes are calculated each month? Here’s the breakdown:

teleconference calculator
no-pin conference call

Additional Considerations when Choosing a Plan

While the conference call calculator is a very helpful tool, there are a few things you may wish to consider before deciding on the plan for you. Ask yourself:

These are all important questions. However, there’s no need to stress over deciding your phone plan too much: you can upgrade and downgrade your account at any time and your bill will be prorated.

Scheduling a Meeting

Once you have used the phone call calculator and established your plan, it’s time to schedule a meeting.

To calculate the best meeting time and length, follow these best practices for meeting scheduling:

Start Conferencing for Free Today

Now that you’ve calculated how many minutes you’ll need and have a plan in mind, why not give audio conferencing a try? With Branded Bridge Line, you can enjoy a free trial with no credit card required.

Branded Conference Call Services