First impressions are everything. And any branding expert will tell you that every interaction you have with clients and potential clients is an opportunity to reinforce your brand. You’ve taken the time to develop fully fleshed out branding materials (logo, website, office decor, etc), you shouldn’t leave out your conference calls!
We often think of conference calling as a tedious requirement to doing business, but it can be so much more! With the right preparation, follow-through and conferencing service, you can extend your brand all the way through to your conferencing. When trying to land potential clients, a branded conference line could just be the tipping point.
Branding Considerations for a Branded Conference Line
Core Values. One of the first steps to creating any brand materials is, “What are my brand’s values?” For instance, a brand that values efficiency is going to look and feel different from a brand that values comfort. You would want whichever core value you pick to come through in all of your brand’s materials, whether they are visual (printed materials, logos, signs, websites) or aural.
When it comes to a branded conference line, you get the opportunity to communicate your brand’s core values through a branded greeting message and branded conference call hold music.
If one of your brand’s core values is efficiency, you would want to make sure that your branded greeting message is clear and succinct. For instance, you would choose a voice actor who sounds professional and speaks with direction and intention.
On the other hand if your brand’s core value is something like comfort, you might choose a voice actor with a soothing sound for a branded greeting message. Your conference call hold music could incorporate your company name and tagline, spoken by the same voice actor and accompanied by a calming song.
If you identify your brand’s core values, it’s easier than ever to incorporate them into your branding. It’s a big first step. Choosing core values for your brand might sound easy, but it takes time to get them right. once you have them figured out for your company, you should reinforce them at every chance you get – even a branded conference line.
Morale. Another consideration when it comes to branding your company is how prominently you want to highlight your company’s morale within your brand. For some companies, communicating a high morale is important, for others less so.
If your company has a reputation for being a great place to work, you should let that shine through in your branding! There’s lots of opportunities to do this, like making sure you pick the right photos for your website to the voice actor and copy of your branded conference line.
When you customize your phone conference greeting message with a conferencing service like Branded Bridge Line, the possibilities are endless. You can workshop and develop any script you want, so it’s important to feature some lines about how great it is to work at your company – that is, if you decide that morale is something you want to feature in your branding.
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Brand Personality. If you want to extend your branding through to a branded conference line, one of the most important considerations is your brand’s personality. Brand personality has been an integral part of branding for centuries. Some of the oldest brands are literally formed around a character or person.
Think about Mr. Peanut. He has been the brand personality for Planters Peanuts since the beginning of the 20th century. A lot of thought goes into everything Mr. Peanut does, wears, and says to ensure that his personality reflects the personality of the Planters brand.
To give a more modern example, take Flo from Progressive Insurance. When Progressive decided to rebrand, they had to choose the exact right person that would reinforce their brand’s personality in every commercial.
If your brand were a person, what would they be like? Would they be bubbly and fun, but with an edge? Would they be fancy and well-off, but approachable? Once you’ve answered those questions for your own brand, you can create the perfect branded conference line to show off your company’s brand personality.
Relative Industry. Another thing to consider when developing your brand is how it compares to other brands in your relative industry. If you’re thinking about developing a branded conference line, you can create a custom greeting message that helps you stand out from the crowd.
This step will take some research on your part, but the benefits will pay off. Take a look at the branding materials from your top competitors. Let’s say you work in an industry where a lot of your competitors’ branding is big, bright, and flashy. If you want to stand out, maybe choose branding that is more subdued. Taking a more refined tack could make a potential client stop and consider you as an unexpected option.
But you also want to be taken seriously! Straying too far from your industry’s standard can be a risk. You want to make sure that people can trust your company and that you are well-established within your industry when they call into your branded conference line.
Make Your Branding Work for You
When it comes to creating a custom branded conference line for your company, there’s a lot of work that you have to do on the front end. Branding is serious business, and you shouldn’t rush the process. Make sure you consult with top stakeholders in your company – it can even be a good idea to run your branding ideas by some longtime, trusted clients. No one knows what it’s like working with your company better than your best clients.
Once you’ve figured out your brand’s values, morale, personality, and considered your brand against other top brands in your industry, it’s time for the fun part! You can work with a professional conference call service like Branded Bridge Line to make your hard work come to life with your very own branded conference line.
It’s time to take your branding to the next level with Branded Bridge Line’s conference calling services.