11 Conference Call Tips for Effective and Productive Meetings

A group of young professionals participating in a productive conference call.

While face-to-face meetings are a reliable and effective way for a lot of people to get something done, conference calls remain a necessary and important part of doing business. With employees and workforces continuing to spread further and further apart, conference calls are often the only way that virtual teams can all come together for […]

How to Set Up a Conference Call in 4 Easy Steps

Setting up conference calls can seem daunting. But when you get down to the basics, it isn’t that complicated. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to set up an effective audio conference. 1. Prepare the Perfect Agenda for Your Conference Call When setting up a conference call, a lot of people put the cart […]

10 Conference Call Etiquette Tips to Make Your Meetings Productive and Pleasant

conference call etiquette

Phone conference etiquette is easy to grasp once you know what to do. Since virtual meetings are an important part of doing business for many companies and industries, it’s well worth your time to make sure you understand the unspoken rules of audio conferencing. Teleconferences can be intimidating, especially if: There are a lot of […]

What Sets Conference Calling Companies Apart?


Conference calling is an important part of nearly every business and industry in the world. Even with advances in technology, it remains the best way to get people on the same page. Find out which features are going to be most important to your business, and what sets a crowded field of conference calling companies apart.

Earnings Calls and Large Webinars

earnings conference calls

When our founders started Branded Bridge Line in 2012, they didn’t imagine that hundreds of people would be on a conference– much less thousands of conference participants. But we discovered that big companies and big brands also want that same polished, professional, customizable solution that we created for routine conference calls. Since then,  we’ve had […]

Branded Bridge Line Diversifies with Plivo

Greater Reach! In our ongoing efforts to create one of the most reliable conference calling networks available and provide the widest range of services and coverage, we are continually expanding our service with integrations to major carriers and service providers. Recently we integrated Plivo as one of the primary service delivery platforms we use for […]

10 Teleseminar Tools to Help You Hold Better Tele-Sermons


The keys to a successful tele-sermon are simple setup for the speaker and easy access for the congregation. It’s essential you pick a teleconferencing solution that has built-in features specifically designed for tele-sermons. Here are some of the key features to look for in a teleseminar conferencing solution.

How to Conduct a Tele-Sermon

telesermon conference call

Tele-sermons, more and more, are growing in popularity as a way to share inspiration with people who otherwise might be unreachable due to geographic, health or transportation limitations. Faith-based organizations are using traditional as well as new teleconferencing technologies to conduct their services and extend their reach into their congregations.

We’ve increase caller capacity from 500 to 3500 callers!

conference call news

In most situations, the more the merrier proves to be true in conferencing. Once you have more than 10 people on a all it’s most likely a “one person talks, the others listen” type of format (e.g lecture mode.) And, while this is often used by churches and non-profit organizations, we also have clients who […]

BrandedBridgeLine included in “Best Conference Call Service” series

We’re pleased to be included in the new “bestof…” series on Conference Call Services. We’ve heard from thebestof team that they’re working on adding more conference call service providers, targeting 20 services by the Christmas. We look forward to seeing how we stack up!