Whether you’re conducting a company-wide meeting or presenting to 1000+ callers, when you are broadcasting audio conference calls for large meetings, it’s vital that you know how to prepare and run large audio conference calls.
Branded Bridge Line has years of experience providing business conference call solutions for meetings with anywhere from 100, 500, to even tens of thousands of participants. With the preparation tips for hosting large audio conference calls below, you can hold more efficient and effective virtual group meetings.
How to Prepare for Large Audio Conference Calls
Follow these preparation tips for hosting large audio conference calls to ensure your meetings go off without a hitch.
- Create an agenda. Make sure the conference call agenda is detailed and provides breakdowns for which topics the call will cover. If several people will be leading the call, make sure to send the agenda at least a week in advance so they have ample time to prepare their sections. This will also leave room for any inevitable adjustments to the agenda, making sure everyone presenting is on the same page before you start broadcasting audio conference calls for large meetings.
- Assign caller IDs: Branded Bridge Line offers the ability to assign unique PINs to individuals or groups of callers. This allows you to see exactly who joined the conference during and even after the call is over.
- Set up call reporting. We also provide detailed call reporting at the end of a large conference call. Each report will show the names, phone numbers, and time spent on the conference for each caller.
- Choose Lecture Mode. For especially large calls, you can choose to enable Branded Bridge Line’s Lecture Mode, which automatically ensures the moderators who dial in have their mics open and mutes all other participants.
- Provide call details. A lot of people still struggle with conference call details for joining meetings, so make sure that when you’re hosting audio conference calls for large meetings, you send out call details with clear instructions.
- Send out a reminder shortly before the meeting. When hosting large audio conference calls, there’s a good chance that some people will lose track of the invite or get distracted by other obligations. A simple email reminder (that includes the call details) sent 5-10 minutes ahead of the conference is the kind of professional touch that will ensure your large conference call is a success.
- Leave ample space on the agenda for introductions. If you have several different people leading various parts of a group conference call, make sure to leave extra room in the agenda for introductions. It’s good conference call etiquette for each key player on the call to provide an introduction so everyone else on the call knows who is speaking along the way. Keep introductions to the point: the important details are name, title, department, and office location if you have different offices.
- Give stragglers just a few minutes to join. When hosting audio conference calls for large groups, allow only a few minutes for late joiners. If you sit around and wait for everyone to join before starting the call, you might not ever be able to actually begin the meeting. Plus, giving latecomers too much time to join after the scheduled start time can encourage tardiness on subsequent calls.
- Check all your equipment before starting the call. If you are planning to share a presentation for a large meeting, make sure you’re prepared and know how to run large audio conferences calls with screen sharing. If you’re using a laptop, ensure that you have the charging cable with you and your battery is fully charged. Double check your desktop and close all other open apps and folders to make sure there are no distractions during the screen sharing session.
- Create a unique screen sharing link for users. Branded Bridge Line offers an easy-to-use screen sharing feature with each of our conferencing plans. Every call comes with a unique screen sharing link. Include this link in the meeting invite and screen sharing is just a click away for every single participant. Once you start broadcasting conference calls with screen sharing, make sure to check in with everyone on the call to make sure they can see your screen.
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No PINs. No Hassle.
With pinless entry, joining meetings has never been simpler. Save time and stress with no pins required.

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Tools to Help Your Audio Conference Run Smoothly
Now that you’ve prepared for your audio conference, it’s time to host the meeting! However, the last thing you want when you’re hosting large audio conference calls is for people to experience technical difficulties or not be able to ask questions when they need to. It’s hard enough to schedule a time that works for large group audio conference calls—imagine having to reschedule a large meeting because of sub-par audio conferencing software!
Branded Bridge Line offers state-of-the-art call management features, which come in handy when you’re broadcasting conference calls to a large group. Keep the following tools and tips in mind and you’ll know how to run a large audio conference call in no time:
- Opt for unlimited caller capacity: Stop paying for additional callers and features that you won’t use! Look for audio conference calling capabilities that allow for unlimited callers on the line so you can be sure all of the participants you invited will be able to join the call.
- Make mid-call adjustments. We’ve all been on a conference call where one person forgets to put their phone on mute and ruins the call for everyone else. You don’t have to worry about that with Branded Bridge Line. After logging into our advanced conference call management interface, you can manually mute callers.
- Utilize advanced interface features. You can monitor who’s on the call, lock the call, create a private conversation, and access call recordings using Branded Bridge Line’s easy-to-use interface. When you take full control of your audio conference call, everyone’s more likely to get more out of it.
- Take advantage of Q&A Tools. Branded Bridge Line also offers specific Q&A tools which help facilitate question and answer sections at the end of a large conference calls, including:
- Raise Hand: Participants can press *7 to raise their hand and the call moderators will see a hand icon appear next to the caller’s name in the dashboard.
- Filtering: Our advanced filtering allows you to filter participants to easily see which callers their hands have raised at any point during the call.
- Unmute: Moderators have the option to unmute callers who raise their hands from the call management dashboard, or participants can press *6 to manually unmute themselves.
- Use call recordings and transcriptions. It’s impossible to remember everything that was said on a call, especially if you’re hosting a large group. Take advantage of Branded Bridge Line’s free conference call recordings and fast transcription service to ensure you don’t lose track of important information. Finally, don’t forget to send out the recordings and transcriptions to the audio conference participants so they don’t miss out!
The interface is designed with you, the user, in mind, so it won’t take long to learn how to run and manage all of your large group audio conference calls. Carve out a few minutes in advance of a scheduled call and familiarize yourself with the interface. It’s built to make hosting audio conference calls that much easier. With a few simple tips for running large audio conference call, you’ll have the ability to scale to accommodate tens of thousands of callers.
Health and Safety Concerns
From time-to-time, global conditions affect travel, large gatherings, and face-to-face interactions.
Eliminating or avoiding large gatherings can be detrimental to businesses and their employees. Branded Bridge Line helps businesses prepare for these events providing robust conference calling for remote teams and large gatherings.